Tuesday, June 24, 2014


As I sit here tonight going over my schedule for the week, I can't believe this class is coming to a close. I have one paper left, my Wiki is complete and this is Blog #12. I am kind of in awe. 

When this class started, I wasn't using Blogger, Twitter, LinkedIn, Scoop.it, Prezi, or creating Wiki pages. I didn't even know what a PLN was. Today, I'm a blogger. I follow awesome professional people on Twitter and LinkedIn. I have two curated Scoop.it topics. I have created two presentations in Prezi and I just finished my first Wiki page. 

All I can say right now is WOW! In using each of these tools my knowledge has expanded like a wildfire. I am creating web pages, embedding videos, researching, collaborating, curating, and connecting in my PLN. I have joined organizations and groups with the same interests and career goals in mind.

I plan to continue blogging. I love to share and receive information. I think this is a great way to discuss topics I am interested in. I receive excellent feedback that prompts me to explore even more.

Happy Blogging everyone!

Wiki Creation

This is my first time using Wiki. I knew that it existed, however, I didn't understand what it could be used for. In the past, I was told to avoid Wiki's, because of inaccuracies. I see this tool in a whole new light. Creating my Wiki has been an exciting experience. I have enjoyed learning how to use this tool and find it very informative. 

At first, I was a little frustrated. I couldn't figure out how to log in, join or edit the Wiki page. However, once that obstacle was overcome, I found Wiki to be extremely user friendly. Everything is at a click of a button. I was able to add links, embed videos, and edit my page. 

In the future, I believe my team work projects will benefit from using Wiki pages. The option to have edits created by multiple users will change the way our team functions. There doesn't need to be long, drawn out emails with explanations of changes. No more printouts with red marks cluttering up the page. Everyone can work on the Wiki to fine tune everything. 

The thing I like best about our class Wiki is being able to view all of our technology tool Wiki pages in one location. I am excited to view everyone's finished pages. This collaboration tool is incredible. I am so excited to share it with others in my organization. I am sold on Wiki pages. I believe it will be a useful organizational tool for my projects as well. 

Another aspect I like is that each student researched and shared a topic. I never could have researched all of these tools on my own in a summer semester. This collaboration has allowed us to learn extensively about other technology tools that may benefit us. This has truly been a team effort. I am grateful to everyone for putting together informational blogs that led to the excitement of Wiki pages creations.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Scoop.it Take 3

I am learning so much information about Scoop.it! This week I found a blog on SEJ Search Engine Journal, "Scoop This: A Comprehensive Guide to Scoop.it for Content Curation". This blog has simple guidelines to follow when curating a topic. The article states that your topic should be something you are passionate about, relates to your business, or something others will be interested in. These are extremely helpful hints in beginning your curation topic. The blog has step by step information on how to use Scoop.it's search engine by entering keywords to locate suggested sites. It helped me to really wrap my brain around the different uses of a curation tool. You can view the full blog at Scoop This: A Comprehensive Guide to Scoop.it for Content Curation.

Additionally, I began following Scoop.it! on Twitter at  https://twitter.com/scoopit. I really enjoy being able to retweet the information posted on Twitter. Since following Scoop.it!, I have learned things about marketing, photography, management, publishing, curation, sharing knowledge and so much more. Sharing this information has allowed me to share this learning tool with those in my PLN. 

View the video to see how curation tools expand your sharing knowledge.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

My PLN Learning Journey

Creating my PLN has been a learning journey.

Please follow my journey...

This is my first attempt at Prezi. I learned how to embed the video and change the size in HTML. I love the challenges I have faced in this class. My eyes have been opened to an entirely new realm.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Scoop.it! Take 2

Scoop.it! is a free curation tool that I chose as my technology tool. I am learning to select, collect and archive digital selections. I am able to bookmark topics online. I like being able to share my selections with others in multiple social media tools at the same time.

I was able to install a bookmarklet on my tool bar that allows me to collect information and add it to my curated topic. I also learned that I can follow content topics at the click of a button. I am able to view others topics. These visual pages remind me of a collage of a topic. Scoop.it! saves everything in one location and it's easy to access with quick links. I have been able to input keywords then the program offers me resources to select from or I can search on my own. I realized today that I can only have two topics for free.

This prompted me to investigate the pricing. The pricing to upgrade to the Pro package is $12.99 per month and the Business package is $79.00 per month. There is a discount if you purchase an annual plan. There are different benefits included in each package. You can view the different plan options and sign up for an account at http://www.scoop.it/.

I am currently using the free account. I have created two topics one on hummingbirds and the other on Las Vegas. I am currently on a trip in Las Vegas. I was trying to locate different attractions to put on our list to visit. This Scoop.it! gave us this visual to choose from http://www.scoop.it/t/las-vegas-by-m-cosgrove-1.

I haven't purchased a Scoop.it! plan yet. I have decided to wait until I am able to review everyone's wikis. I would like to review all of my options for content storage and sharing. However, I am enjoying using this tool in my daily activities. It will be useful in the classroom as well.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Twitter-I Was A Skeptic

Prior to taking a course in Instructional Technology, I was a skeptic of using Twitter. I knew  little about this tool. I thought it was just another way young people were ranting about their lives. I signed up for an account at https://twitter.com, however, I never followed professionals. I had young relatives and acquaintances that I chose to follow. I had no idea it could be used for learning.

As I read Chapters 4 and 5 in "The New Social Learning", I couldn't believe the resources available at my finger tips. I watched the videos and read the tweets and I am in awe. I never looked at Twitter in this light before. I hadn't considered it a learning tool or a teaching tool.

Today, I read an informative tweet posted by Bradford R. Glaser-The Secret Formula to Becoming an E-Learning Pro . I was excited because it was exactly what I have been interested in learning more about. If you follow the tweet you will find the blog has an article, links, and videos to spark more interest. There are "challenges" listed on this blog to help you create better learning tools. The videos are informative, humorous and extremely helpful.

As I was finishing this blog, I decided to look at what Scoop.it! had tweeted, because it is my selected technology tool. To my surprise I found this tweet-10 Words to Cut From Your Writing . I decided to watch the video link. Guess what? I was using three of the top 10 words to cut. I reviewed my writing and realized I was using words that were useless and had little meaning. Thanks Twitter!

I am no longer a skeptic of Twitter. I thoroughly enjoy learning how to use it. I hope you follow these links and find something useful. Enjoy the learning journey!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Growing My PLN

Wow! This week I have really been challenged with using new technology tools. I haven't used Twitter or LinkedIn in the past. I never realized the wealth of information I was missing out on. I really thought that Facebook was "Social Networking". I had no idea the professional side of social media.

I took a break from the crazy Facebook posts about what people were eating for lunch and of gross things their child did in public. I turned to LinkedIn and Twitter and I am simply amazed. I am actually learning, growing, exploring, networking and truly enjoying it.

As I explored on LinkedIn, I joined the group Instructional Design & E-Learning Professionals' Group.
I chose this group because it is for those interested in e-learning, human resources, training, online education and much more in the realm of virtual education. One of the first things I learn from this group is that you can trace back effective e-learning to learner engagement. That means you must do everything possible to make sure you don't have poor design techniques that lose the learner. There are many great tips, articles, links and resources shared in this group.

As I explored Twitter, I came across Roger Courville. I chose to follow Roger Courville because he is a speaker, author, and coach on presenting virtually (webinars, webcasts etc.). This information is exactly what I'm looking to integrate into my journey of learning and teaching. I also followed two people he was connected with. They are Bradford R Glaser and Tracy Gaudet. I believe that Roger Courville is following them because they have great things to offer. They both post informative, thought provoking tweets. I chose them because their bio info peaked my interest. I viewed and read their posts and they were intelligent, informative and inspiring. They share links to enhance learning. I feel they have great resources they are willing to share and this will broaden my network and expand my knowledge.

This has been an amazing experience. I am truly inspired that I am making connections that may lead to future jobs and career advancement. My eyes are open to so many more possibilities. The benefits are exponential. I am excited to continue on this journey and make more connections with the new tools that have been shown to me.