Thursday, June 5, 2014

Growing My PLN

Wow! This week I have really been challenged with using new technology tools. I haven't used Twitter or LinkedIn in the past. I never realized the wealth of information I was missing out on. I really thought that Facebook was "Social Networking". I had no idea the professional side of social media.

I took a break from the crazy Facebook posts about what people were eating for lunch and of gross things their child did in public. I turned to LinkedIn and Twitter and I am simply amazed. I am actually learning, growing, exploring, networking and truly enjoying it.

As I explored on LinkedIn, I joined the group Instructional Design & E-Learning Professionals' Group.
I chose this group because it is for those interested in e-learning, human resources, training, online education and much more in the realm of virtual education. One of the first things I learn from this group is that you can trace back effective e-learning to learner engagement. That means you must do everything possible to make sure you don't have poor design techniques that lose the learner. There are many great tips, articles, links and resources shared in this group.

As I explored Twitter, I came across Roger Courville. I chose to follow Roger Courville because he is a speaker, author, and coach on presenting virtually (webinars, webcasts etc.). This information is exactly what I'm looking to integrate into my journey of learning and teaching. I also followed two people he was connected with. They are Bradford R Glaser and Tracy Gaudet. I believe that Roger Courville is following them because they have great things to offer. They both post informative, thought provoking tweets. I chose them because their bio info peaked my interest. I viewed and read their posts and they were intelligent, informative and inspiring. They share links to enhance learning. I feel they have great resources they are willing to share and this will broaden my network and expand my knowledge.

This has been an amazing experience. I am truly inspired that I am making connections that may lead to future jobs and career advancement. My eyes are open to so many more possibilities. The benefits are exponential. I am excited to continue on this journey and make more connections with the new tools that have been shown to me.


  1. The group you found on LinkedIn and the people you chose to follow on Twitter sound like fantastic choices. The group has great information about instructional design and e-learning. I'm very interested in e-learning, and this great may be a great addition to my PLN as well. The individuals you found on Twitter also seem to offer insightful information. Have you looked to see if any individuals they are following might also lead to other individuals to add to your PLN?

  2. Roger Courville is a great person to follow! He has some amazing resources and is a great speaker. He was the keynote for the NWeLearn conference ( two years ago. As I was the chair of the board I got to work closely with him and enjoyed his willingness and excitement about elearning.
