Tuesday, May 20, 2014

There's an App for That! Learning with Technology

All the time we hear, “There’s an App for that.”, “Just Google it.”, but what does it mean? Technology, that’s what it means. Technology exists in every aspect of our lives. We use it to communicate, to simplify, to make things easier and less manual. It has changed the way people interact.

As I think about the new technologies I've learned to use, my mind wanders to when I was in junior high. The tragedy of being taught how to type on a typewriter and how painful it was physically. I couldn't keep my fingers on the keys. Every time I missed a key my finger would scrape on the metal. I remember thinking "I never want to be a secretary! EVER!"

Shortly thereafter, I was surprised with a fabulous gift from my grandparents...my very own electric typewriter. Grandpa said I'd "do well in the world if I practiced my skills." Well, I'd like to say I jumped in with both feet, however, that was not the case. I think fear of past pains kept me from becoming a great typist in my early years. However, during my senior year I was using an electric word processor with a mini screen that allowed me to preview before I printed...Absolutely Amazing!

As the years flew by, I got my first computer. It took two people to move, but I loved it. Today, I have a laptop, an iPad and a smartphone. I use these devices everyday. I am fascinated by new technologies and that is the reason my career goal is to become a teacher. I want to share with students the amazing technologies at their finger tips.

Preparing to become a teacher in the 21st involves learning and using many different types of computers and technology. Today’s teachers are using technology to teach, as well as connect with their students. Some of the computers and technologies used by teachers today include: SMART Boards, Microsoft Web Apps, Smartphones, iPads, and laptop computers. Technology has changed the way students and teachers interact.
Some technologies used for learning and communicating are portable computers such as; Smartphones, iPads, and laptop computers. These devices allow access to phone calls, emails, contacts, calendars, notes, Office documents, voice recognition software, and the internet, just to name a few. Teachers have the capability to learn new technology, create lesson plans and enjoy their favorite music while waiting in the doctor’s office, walking on a treadmill or having lunch in the park. These devices give teachers the connect ability needed in this generation. I believe the interaction among teachers and students has been revolutionized by technology.

It is essential for me to continually learn and use new technology to prepare to teach the next generation’s workforce. Technology intertwines in every aspect of my current education. I need to become technologically literate and stay current as new programs, hardware, software, and apps become available. Technology continues to change, because people are creating new technology this very moment.  


  1. A agree with you on the comment "just Google it". Every time someone ask me a question I'm not sure about I tell them "Google it". I also learned how to type on a old electronic typewriter, its kind of funny because most kids today have no idea what one is. I agree that in today's world the only way to connect with people is through technology. Advances in teach are only possible with technology, they are also using technology in farming, it is helping farmers with knowing exact soil temperatures and how often to water. It is so essential for everyone to advance in learning new technologies.

  2. Michell,
    I can relate when you said that technology makes our life simpler. If you don't have access to your i pad it is still available on your i phone. They are all connected. I also agree with your comment on teachers needing technology. It is being integrated into the school systems as we speak. Students are already very educated in technology that has been introduced into the schools. I ask my 13 year old son for his help all the time.

  3. Tiffanie
    I can relate to the typewriter blues. I suffered through high school and college with a very old one my mom had. As I mentioned in my blog post I shudder to think what I would have given for a word possessing program then. Some of the software you mentioned, has helped a lot of people with disabilities become more independent and self supportive. That is one of the wonderful things about technology. I , like you, need to work at keeping up with my software and other tech devices. I am afraid I ignored it to much as a stay at home mom.
