Tuesday, May 27, 2014

My Growing PLN

When deciding who to add to my PLN, I first had to reflect on my educational and career plans, goal and interests. So I decided to share with you a little about my plans, goals and interests.

I am ecstatic to purse my BAT degree; it has been my dream for many years. Over the past five years there have been many life changing events that brought me to this moment. My desire to grow, change and pursue my ambitions is stronger than ever. I have a desire to inspire others to find their passion. 

I believe this part of my journey begins by pursuing a degree to become a post-secondary instructor at a university or technical college.  In this pursuit, some of the areas of study I believe will be most beneficial include communications, leadership, graphic/web design, computer information systems, management, business education, and human resource training and development. Many of these areas of study will crossover to enhance one another. 

I am just beginning my PLN. This is an interesting challenge as I learn new technological tools and ways to connect with others besides using Facebook. I added a widget to my blog to keep track of blogs I am following. You can find my list under My Blog List located to the right of this blog. 

I used our class blogs and Google to locate my first two blogs of interest. I will continue to add to My Blog List.

I chose Dr. Cindy’s Blog because I instantly connected with the blog she wrote on Profession Learning Networks (PLN). She is very educated.  The information she shared inspires me to search deeper into the resources available to enhance my knowledge and career.  I love how she describes growth and development in areas of personal, professional, and societal areas you can follow her at http://drcseaman.blogspot.com/.

I chose Beth Holland’s blog because she shares amazing information and works in Communications & Instruction at EdTechTeacher. She coordinates communications such as web sites, social media, blog posts, webinars, and newsletters and instructs at workshops for EdTechTeacher. You can follow her at http://www.edutopia.org/blog/professional-learning-curate-share-connect-beth-holland. 

1 comment:

  1. Michelle, I found your post filled with information related to my PLN too. As for the blogs you have chosen, I found out that Dr. Cindy’s blog is really helpful not just for you but to all of us students. It attempts to develop professional and personal development that can be an edge for targeting your future goals and career. I also found out that Beth Holland’s blog is also good blog to follow, and I consider following it too since my career goal in life was to become an Educator too.
